Remember when we buy that favorite dress we have been eyeing for weeks? Finally we go out and buy it. But the moment the payment is made, apprehension starts kicking in? Will everyone like it? What if they don’t appreciate it?
Hey it was my choice right from the beginning, then why do I have doubts about it?
Then there have been times when one of our pieces of cloth was met with cold response. Where is it now? Stowed somewhere at the back of the wardrobe…
I guess even this is not so bad if it remains to discarding a piece of cloth. The greater harm comes when we discard our dreams and goals because it does not meet the popular choice. So many dreams die in their womb because the few that you shared it with met it with an out-right rejection and ridicule or a simple yet sarcastic smile.
We all have dreams and we always wonder how some people are able to fulfill their dreams while we dumped them on our way? Then we find solace with words like- tough luck, faulty system, lack of support and so on. Think deep… What did you do when you felt thrilled to have a dream? How much effort was put into building a reality out of it? How many ‘real’ people did you consult? How many blueprints did you make? How many people did you fight to go past just to follow your dream? How many sleepless nights did your dream give you?...
Hardly any… I had a dream, I voiced to a few friends and family, they smiled and told me “don’t fly too high”… “stay on ground”… “Be practical”… “these things do not happen to us” and “do not build castles in the air”… and I believed them. Why? Because my people did not approve of it…
No.. you did not follow it up because it was easier that way… Following a dream causes much hardship and pain and at times isolation. So I make use of this “negative response” from “my people” and stay on the routine course.. doing what everyone does and in turn getting what everyone gets!!!
Then it was your choice right? So why are you not happy today? Why does it pinch you when someone else successfully reaches a goal? Why does it leave you uneasy..
I tell you why… because You loved your dream…Because you are unique and your dreams are unique… Your happiness comes from what you love and not what others approve of… May be your people care for you, but they are different, their likes are different, their experiences are different and their expectations from life are different. They are not you…
Next time you have a dream…no matter how wild, no matter how seemingly difficult and no matter at what stage of your life… first place your full faith in it. Next seek out people who have dared to follow their dreams and seek motivation from them… then go on looking for experts in related fields and consult them… do your home work… set on your path and then share it with the people around you… you know what? Now that you would have concrete plan and action and most importantly ‘determination’… they would appreciate you!!!
Go ahead… Dream… Build castles in the air… and then dare to build foundations under your castle…
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